Friday, February 28, 2014

Getting Started

There is no time like today to make changes for your health.

But a little planning always helps too.

Before the challenge...

  1. Tell others of your intentions!  Recruit your family, friends, coworkers, enemies, etc to join in with you.  
  2. Read over the Challenge Guidelines and reflect on the best way to implement them in your life. Modify if needed.
  3. Game plan 
    • meal plan - look for healthy ideas to come on the blog
    • get to the grocery store - stock up on vegetables, fruits, protein, whole grains to make your plan a success
    • plan out your workouts for the week
    • clean out that Nalgene in the back of your car and dust off your sneakers
  4. Get an idea of the "before"
    • Take pictures 
    • Take measurements - weight, waist circumference, body fat (if available to you)
  5. Set your sights on your "after" 
    • weight loss?
    • toning?
    • better energy?
    • healthier eating?
    • all of the above?
  6. Start a journal
    • keep track of your daily and weekly goals
    • write down food, exercise, emotions, anything to keep you focused
  7. Keep yourself "in the know."  Bookmark the blog (updates and advice daily) or subscribe by email.

What are you waiting for?!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Motivation for Day 1



I am so glad you've made it to the official blog of the Beit Bari (Healthy House) Challenge.  

It's last minute but the challenge will officially start on Monday March 3rd!  The good news is that the challenge is truly meant to be flexible, and ongoing, and you can start whenever.

So how does the Challenge work?  You can read the basics below or check out the About page.

1. 5 servings of fruits/vegetables a day - bonus points if all vegetables

2. 64 oz+ water daily

3. Limit alcohol *at your discretion - none/1 drink per day/1 night of drinking per week

4. Limit added sugars - packaged snacks/desserts/chips - focus on naturally sweet foods

5. Protein at every meal (eggs, tofu, beans, meat, seafood, nuts, etc)

6. Strength train/circuit 2x/week (options: lift weights, crossfit, Jillian or other video tape)

7. Cardio x3/week 

8. Do something to make you smile everyday

Check back daily for advice to implement each of these steps in the challenge.

How to keep track?  Use this document or create your own!