But a little planning always helps too.
Before the challenge...
- Tell others of your intentions! Recruit your family, friends, coworkers, enemies, etc to join in with you.
- Read over the Challenge Guidelines and reflect on the best way to implement them in your life. Modify if needed.
- Game plan
- meal plan - look for healthy ideas to come on the blog
- get to the grocery store - stock up on vegetables, fruits, protein, whole grains to make your plan a success
- plan out your workouts for the week
- clean out that Nalgene in the back of your car and dust off your sneakers
- Get an idea of the "before"
- Take pictures
- Take measurements - weight, waist circumference, body fat (if available to you)
- Set your sights on your "after"
- weight loss?
- toning?
- better energy?
- healthier eating?
- all of the above?
- Start a journal
- keep track of your daily and weekly goals
- write down food, exercise, emotions, anything to keep you focused
- Keep yourself "in the know." Bookmark the blog (updates and advice daily) or subscribe by email.
What are you waiting for?!