Monday, April 21, 2014

Final Countdown!

Hard to believe but we are in the home stretch...week 8 is upon us...time to finish the Challenge strong!

Week 8 Goal: Finish Strong...and Make a Plan for post Beit Bari.

Try to reach as many of your daily goals this week, especially those ones you know you've been slacking on.  Use this momentum to start thinking about your long-term health goals and how you can use the Challenge moving forward.

Still want to lose more weight?  Take what you've been doing and step it up a notch, including exercise, lots of veggies, and protein.

Like tracking?  Keep it up and add your own goals!

Still not getting to the gym as much?  Reassess how you can fit fitness into your life whether it be short amounts of activity throughout the day, videos at home, walking with the family or coworkers.

Hate some of the goals?  Maybe they aren't for you!  Or maybe you just need to modify them?

I don't want to leave you hanging after the Challenge so please reach out to me if you need help continuing your new habits moving forward!

Last of all, make sure to thank yourself for sticking through the Challenge and be proud of what you've accomplished.  Treat yourself to a mani/pedi, massage, day of relaxation or whatever you enjoy.

As always,

Beit Bari xo Anna

Sunday, April 13, 2014

week 7 Goal and a workout

Hey guys!...I accidentally gave you a week off from having weekly goals.  And by accidentally I mean I was gone all last weekend, came back emotionally exhausted, and the week flew without a goal coming up.  Ugh!
None the less, week 7 is upon us and its a great time for a new goal -

Week 7 Goal - Eat only 'whole foods' for at least one whole day this week.

So what do I mean by whole foods?
Foods that only have one "ingredient."

Examples - Rolled oats.  (not prepackaged cinnamon apple flavored oatmeal)
                  Fresh Fruit
                  Fresh vegetables
                  Whole grains (not prepackaged breads/muffins/granola bars)
                  Lean Protein
                  Plain yogurt (not flavored/filled with sugar)
                  Nuts (not sugar coated)
                  Beans (can even be canned, just avoid added ingredients like baked beans)

Get the idea?

It doesn't have to mean boring or complicated either! You can experiment with new recipes/products but just make sure its from whole foods.

Need some motivation to get in the gym this week too?
Try this 30 minute circuit that incorporates weights and cardio.  I did it today and was a sweaty mess after!

4-3-2-1 Workout

4 minutes cardio with 30 seconds of sprints with 30 seconds slower speed (I used the elliptical)
3 minutes strength doing 3 exercises for 1 minute each
   - examples: 1 minute push-ups, 1 minute squat with weights, 1 minute lunge with bicep curls switching legs
2 minutes abdominal work
   - plank for 2 minutes the first round, 1 minute side plank per side the second round, 2 minutes bicycle crunches the third round
1 minute full-body move (burpees, jumping jacks, jump rope)

Repeat 3 times through for 30 minutes of full body butt kicking.

2 more weeks left of the Challenge...You can do it!

Beit Bari xo Anna

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week 5 Goal

Where has the time gone?!  Over half way into the Challenge.  Give yourself a big pat on the back!

Take some time today to check in on your goals.  Where are you having huge success?  Where are you still hoping to improve?  There is plenty of time left in the Challenge to accomplish these goals.  Remember we are shooting for lifelong changes, not a quick fix.

I hope you saw week 5 goal posted on our Facebook group, sorry I wasn't able to blog about it sooner.

Week 5 Goal - Track your calories 1-2 days this week to get a better idea of how many calories you're eating.

One of the biggest mistakes I see in my clients is either snacking/picking at food throughout the day and underestimating their calorie intake OR going so 'healthy' that they aren't getting enough calories!  Both are bad for your waist line.

How many calories should you be getting?  Use this calculator which factors in your height, weight, age, activity level, etc.

Once you have your estimated needed calorie intake you can adjust it for your weight goals.  Hope to maintain your weight?  Use that number.  Hoping to lose weight?  Subtract 250-500 calories for weight loss.

Then divide that number by the amount of meals/snacks you eat to get a target goal for each meal.

For example - You should eat 2000 calories.  Divided by 4 = 500 calories per meal + 250 calories for 2 snacks.

You can tailor those numbers depending on when you eat your largest meal, etc.  I don't advice people to track everyday but it's good to check in with the numbers every once and awhile.

Again sorry about not posting sooner.  What a week its been!  I'm still making time for health though and I hope you are too.

Beit Bari xo Anna