Friday, March 7, 2014

Friday = weekend = no more challenge?

Well it is finally Friday which means we are done with our first 'work week' of the Challenge.


Did you meet week 1 goal to tell others you're doing the Challenge?  If not, week 1 isn't officially over yet!

Now that you are done celebrating, its time to bring up the tough subject...the weekend ahead.  If you are anything like me the weekend can bring a whole host of fun, relaxing, food, drinks...aka forgetting about my health goals...

The best way to stick to your goals and still enjoy yourself?  Have a plan.

  1. Decide on your exercise for the weekend.  Its a great time to do something out of the ordinary.  Recruit your friends and family.  Do something outside.  Try a new class at the gym.
  2. Plan a healthy meals and invite others to enjoy.  
  3. Take a break from the kitchen and try a new restaurant - research the menu ahead of time so you know what fits into your meal plan for the day.
  4. When you're out on the go, pack snacks so you'll always have healthy options on hand and keep ahead of your hunger.  Don't forget your water bottle too!
  5. Remember to think beyond the weekend and meal plan, shop, and prep anything for the week ahead.  A great reminder of your goals.

On my agenda: group run with Team in Training, hitting up my favorite grocery stores in the Springs (nerd alert), dinner with my friend Jamie (shes making a new crockpot recipe)...maybe baking, hiking .. you definitely don't need to plan out the whole thing ;)

So how did your first week go?  Things I can help with for the weekend/week ahead?

Check in this weekend for more posts and information about the Week 2 Goal!

Beit Bari xo Anna

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