Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Mid-Week Check-In

How is everyone's week going?  Hard to believe it is already Wednesday.  Did you know what else today is?

National RD Day!

Yes, that is an actual thing.  No, I am not just making it up for my benefit.  March is National Nutrition Month, a great time for a health challenge if you ask me.  This year's theme is "Enjoy the Taste of Eating Right"  you can learn more here.

We celebrated at work today with t-shirts!  

Please excuse the selfie.

I ordered t-shirts for all the Food and Nutrition staff to wear as a team.  But I digress...

I hope you've found ways to 'enjoy the taste of eating right' over the past week of the Challenge.  Maybe even tried some new vegetarian recipes for our week 2 goal?  I ate meatless Monday and today...and even tried a new recipe Monday!

It went something like this...
wake up. Crossfit.  Protein shake. Oatmeal.  [teach Diabetes Education Class] Snacked on hard-boiled eggs. [screened inpatients for those at nutrition risk] Ate a salad with beans and quinoa for lunch. [did nutrition assessments on those in the hospital]  Snacked on yogurt and blueberries. [planned nutrition presentation for Tuesday in Denver and other fun work like that]  Made a delicious dinner of spaghetti squash with broccoli and this Creamy Cauliflower sauce topped with parmesan.  

 I posted it to our Facebook Group.  (Are you a member yet?!)  

So meatless/healthy does not have to mean boring. 

Have you gone meatless for a day yet?  Or found ways to eat more meatless meals this week?  Getting in your workouts for the week?  Today is a great day to recommit to your goals.  I know I am.

Beit Bari xo Anna


  1. I went meatless on wed! I had oatmeal with lots of good "stuff" for breakfast, even Mer had two (small) bowls. Sweet potato, asparagus, and cheese/hummus sandwich for lunch. And these awesome portabella, spinach lasagna (wheat noodles) roll ups for dinner with salad. Yum! Will definitely try to keep one meatless day a week!

  2. Yum! Is it an online recipe? If so, share the link, it sounds awesome!
